Telugu, the pioneer of Dravidian Family:: Latest observations of Afro Asiatic Linguistics
Dr. G. V. purnachand, BAMS
My paper published in ITIHAS - journal of the A.P. State archives and
research institute, vol.
21st century is the time of great Comparative Linguistics, a study of
the Afro-Asiatic and Dravidian families, discussing their locations,
origins and migrations, sub-groupings and characteristics. Research in
comparative Linguistics gained new dimensions and relates Dravidian
Languages with Saharan, Sumerian, Elamite etc.
The goal of research is to reconstruct the parent of the contemporary
Dravidian Languages from their shared native words and grammatical
features, which show regular patterns of correspondence across
languages. The scientifically reconstructed parent is the proto-Language
called Proto-Dravidian.
The Dravidian Languages are mainly spoken in southern, Eastern and
Central India as well as certain areas in North Eastern Sri Lanka,
Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, parts of Afghanistan and Iran, and in
overseas such as the UK, US, Canada, Malaysia and Singapore. They are
numbered around 85 languages spoken by about 200 millions of people.
Written Evidences are available from 6th century BC onwards regarding
the existence of theses languages, though their ancestry goes back to
many Centuries before. (1).--------------------------------------
Early migrations and formation of language groups-----------------------
Edo Nyland proposed one Hypothesis that the highly developed languages
on earth might have been developed from the original Saharan Language,
during the Neolithic Age. In his view, the ancient and oldest Saharan
has remained relatively unchanged and stable and is still spoken as
Dravidian in India (170 million speakers), as Ainu on the island of
Hokkaido (18,000 speakers in 2005) and as Basque in Euskadi, Spain
(800,000 speakers in 2005) (2)
It must have been a calamity of an unprecedented scale, which might
drive out a large number of people from their homes in the once well
populated Sahara. Some of the Saharan tribes migrated and settled along
the Atlantic, Mediterranean and shores of Indian Ocean, in about 10,000
B.C. They had developed excellent skills in boat building, sailing
techniques and star navigation. This specialized knowledge was carefully
guarded by their generations involved.
The appearance of the Neolithic Culture in Southern India was a
continuation from the earlier Paleolithic culture. Some objects
discovered in the prehistoric huts round the Deccan have their parallel
in Pakistan Neolithic cultures of the third millennium before the
establishment of the
Indus Civilisation. Indus was a continuation of the ancestors of the
Dravidians in southern India in the second and first millennia BC(2)
Prof. Nyland said that Major advances in the fields of agriculture,
metallurgy, astronomy etc. caused the female-based religion weakened and
male domination arrived. It might happen in 3,000 BC. in Egypt,
Mesopotamia and Anatolia, and about 1,500 BC in India. Living in New
styles, eating of new food material, and inventing new utilities etc.,
were adopted. New comers brought along with them learned priesthoods who
proceeded to invert all aspects of the old religion, society, language,
legends etc. (2)
These new professionals for thousands of years have been creating
Languages silently and injected them into each large area and placed
under the control of a king. Sumerian and Acadian Languages in
Mesopotamia, Old Egyptian in Egypt, Sanskrit in India, Hebrew in
Palestine, Hittite and Lucian in Anatolia etc. are the best examples of
them. All these were the products of formulaic distortion and scholarly
manipulation of the original Saharan
Telugu Land as the first domiciled region of Proto
The origin of the parent Dravidian Language in India and its speakers is
a question that defies consensus among scholars. The Proto-Dravidian
Language speakers were whether indigenous inhabitants of the Indian
subcontinent or migrants in pre-historic times are also an unanswered
In the absence of contrary evidence to nativity, leading International
Linguist, Prof. Bhadriraju Krishnamurti stated very clearly that the all
the Dravidian Languages were native to India. In case of their coming
from another region in Asia, Africa or Europe, then their migration must
took place much before the arrival of the speakers of Proto Indo Aryan
Language (3)
It is, however, a well-established and well supported hypothesis that
Dravidian speakers must have been widespread throughout India including
the northwest region before the arrival of Indo-European speakers. (4)
Sir Arthur John Evans (1851–1941), an English Archaeologist stated a
Century ago, that Southern India was probably the cradle of the Human
race. Investigations in relation to race show it to be possible.
Southern India was also the passage ground by which the ancient
progenitors of Northern Mediterranean Races proceeded to the parts of
Globe which they now inhabit. The people who have for many ages occupied
this portion of peninsula are a great people influencing the world, not
much perhaps by moral and intellectual attributes but to a great extent
by superior physical Qualities (5)
Dr. Asko Parpola (University of Helsinki) as well as Father Heras
(1930), the noted Indus expert Iravatham Mahadevan and Walter A.
Fairservis Jr. and others state that the Indus sign system represented
proto Dravidian Language. Russian Linguist M.S. Andronov puts the split
between Tamil (a written Southern Dravidian language) and Telugu (a
written Central Dravidian language) at 1,500 BC to 1,000 BC.
In this context, the findings of Franklin C. Southworth, Professor
Emeritus of South Asian Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania must be
carefully considered. As far as my knowledge goes, Prof. Franklin C.
Southworth is the First Historian who identified the earliest presence
of the proto Dravidian Culture in Telugu Region and therefore the
Telugus owe a Special gratitude to him.(6)
1. Prof. Southworth identifies late Proto-Dravidian with the Southern
Neolithic culture in the lower Godavari River basin of South Central
India, which first appeared 2,500 BC, based upon its agricultural
2. Languages of all the above three subgroups (North, Central, Southern
Dravidian Languages)are found in eastern central India, in the lower
Godavari River basin, and it would be most economical to assume that
Proto-Dravidian was spoken somewhere in that region.
3. He further states that, Proto-Dravidian may have been spoken in a
wider area, extending perhaps into Central India or the western Deccan,
which are now occupied mainly by Indo–Aryan Languages like Marathi and
Hindi. Furthermore, other forms of early Dravidian –
pre-Proto-Dravidian, or other (at present unknown) branches of Dravidian
–may also have existed in these same areas.
4. The most promising Archaeological Complex which might be connected
with the Dravidian Languages is the South Indian Neolithic Complex,
which made its first appearance in the mid-third millennium BC.
5. The first presence at Gulbarga, Raichur, and Bellary Districts of
Karnataka, and Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh, and there after,
judge by similarities in pottery styles, house construction, plant
remains, and other features – at a very vast area from the
Krishna-Tungabhadra in the north (or if we include the evidence from
Daimabad on the Godavari) to the Kaveri in the south, and from the
Krishna-Godavari mouths in the East to Dharwar in the West‖ (Sankalia
1977:142). (Ref: F.C. Southworth, "Proto-Dravidian Agriculture" 2006)
6. Note that the core area is located in the vicinity of the upper
Krishna River, not far from the area assumed on Linguistic grounds to be
the home of Proto-Dravidian.
7. Though the close match between Proto-Dravidian and the Southern
Neolithic may be gratifying to the researcher, in a sense there was no
need to prove that this Archaeological complex is connected to
Dravidian, since there are really no other likely candidates.
8. The Dravidian loanwords in late Vedic Sanskrit may be explained as
the result of northward expansion of Dravidian speakers from the
9. A number of the Sanskrit words attributed to Dravidian are also
represented in the Kafir/Nuristani languages, spoken mainly in what is
now northern Pakistan, and generally regarded as a separate third branch
of the Indo -Iranian family (see Morgenstierne 1973, Degener 2002,
Southworth 2005b).While this evidence could potentially push the period
of Dravidian-Indo-Aryan contact back to a pre-Vedic period. (6)
Prof. Southworth suggests a dialogue between Archaeologists and
Historical Linguists. ―If what Linguists say makes sense to
Archaeologists—and I hope this is the case with at least some parts of
this paper—then the door is open for conversations about the ways in
which the two disciplines can serve to support, supplement, and question
each other‘s conclusions. If Linguists can produce rigorous
reconstructions which provide close matches to archaeological findings,
then Prehistorians will have more reason to trust Linguistic
reconstructions of more intangible things, such as social structure and
ideology. Such a dialogue may well lead to further refinements in
methods of reconstruction which will produce even better matches with
the archaeological record‖(6)------------------
The kinship between Dravidians and
―Language never colonizes itself and also it doesn‘t extend itself;
Language migrates along with the people-‖says Bernard Sergent. He is a
French Historian and comparative Mythologist. In his book Genèse de
L'Inde, Sergent stated that the Dravidian populations are not
autochthonous but of African origin. The kinship between Dravidians and
Melano-Africans is demonstrated by numerous ethnographic parallels both
Linguistic and Cultural, like Existence of matrilineal filiations in
Dravidian country as well as several African People (7)
Afro-Asiatic is a large Language family with the great diversity. At the
same time, linguistic similarities such as vowel changes help show
relationships among languages. The main quality of Afro-Asiatic is that
it cuts across the racial boundaries. (Ref: The Afro-Asiatic Language
Family by Meredith Holt) (8). In African Languages spoken in the entire
Sahel belt, from Sudan to Senegal, numerous semantic and grammatical
elements are found which also exist in Dravidian. The similarity with
the Uralic languages (Finnish, Hungarian, and Samoyedic) is equally
pronounced. Sergent offers the hypothesis that at the dawn of the
Neolithic Revolution, the Dravidians left the Sudan, one band splitting
off in Iran to head north to the Urals, the others entering India and
moving south. Excavations of Jean-Francois Jarrige at Mehrgarh revealed
that agriculture is almost as old in north-western India and the Near
East, dating from the eighth millennium. Bernard Sergent argues
that what agricultural Civilisation started at Mehrgarh, continues
without interruption up to Indus. These findings clearly exhibit that
Indus Civilisation belonged to Dravidian speakers only.
C. A Diop laid the foundations for the modern Afro centric idea against
the earlier euro centric thought of the 20th century. He concludes that
Egypt has played the same role as that of the Greco-Latin civilization
played in the West. The African cultural facts will only find their
profound meaning and their coherence in reference to Egypt. (9)
The presence of the intergenic COII/tRNALys 9-bp deletion in human mtDNA
in 646 individuals from 12 caste and14 tribal populations of South
India and compared them to individuals from Africa, Europe, and Asia.
The 9-bp deletion is observed in four South Indian tribal populations,
the Irula, Yanadi, Siddi, and Maria Gond, and in the Nicobarese. Length
polymorphisms of the 9-bp motif are present in the Santal, Konda Dora,
and Jalari, all of whom live in a circumscribed region on the eastern
Indian coast. Phylogenetic analyses of mtDNA control region sequence
from individuals with the 9-bp deletion indicate that some are likely to
be of Asian and African origin, implying multiple origins of the 9-bp
deletion in South India. By this report we are given to understand that
African people were settled in Telugu region much before the Historical
Period. (10)---------------
From Nile to River Krishna--------------------------------------------
King ―Ka” was a Pre-dynastic pharaoh of Upper Egypt and was the first
and earliest known Egyptian king with a serekh, inscribed on a number of
artifacts. Ka (Sekhem Ka or Ka-Sekhem) ruled over Abydos in the late
32nd or early 31st century BC, and was buried at Umm el-Qa'ab. His tomb
was excavated in 1902, where burial goods were found with the pharaoh's
name on them.
The people of Ka Dynasty might have commenced their migration and
reached ultimately the Krishna Valley as observed by Sri Tekumalla
Ramachandra Rao, one of our earliest scholars, in his Article –Akhila
Andhravaniki toli rajadhani Srikakulam- Srikakulam the earliest Capital
of entire Andhra Pradesh. ―Ka‖ people established Kakula Dynasty with
kakulam (Present day Srikakulam) as their capital. Srikakulam is
situated in Krishna District in Andhra Pradesh in the mouth of River
Krishna. Their principle Deity was Kakuleswara. They might have spoken
proto form of Dravidian Language that resemble present day Telugu‖ he
In the much later period, Andhra Vishnu, the son of Koundinya Suchandra,
defeated this Ka Dynasty and established his rule. Andhra Vishnu might
unite the Telugu and Andhra Languages and Tribes. Thus the present day
Telugu Language would have evolved.
Along with them, the earliest priests would have migrated and merged
with local people (the ―Ka‖ people), the satapatha Brahmana narrates
that sage Viswamitra cursed and abandoned and they migrated into Andhra
region. Scholars are of the opinion that this event dates to 1200 BC,
and those migrants might have been part of the priests that came down to
Krishna valley.
―Andhras were nomads for several centuries.‖ Says Sri yetukuri Balarama
Moorty. He further states that some tribes (classes) migrated and others
who did not want to do so remained in their older settlements. The tale
of sage Apastamba explains that, some of these Andhra tribes inhabited
in the Salvadesa on the banks of Yamuna River during 700 BC. Apastamba
Gruhya Sootras have been widely in practice among Andhra Brahmin
families even today. Andhra Tribes established relationships with Naga,
Yaksha, and Dravida tribes of Vindhya Mountains who already were living
there by that time. (11) The Smarta Brahmins of Andhra follow Apastamba
Smriti or Apastamba Sutra but not the Manusmriti. Apastamba was one of
the earliest lawmakers of south India who lived on the banks of the
River Godavari. (12)
Meaning of Ka: ―Ka‖ means "soul" in ancient Egyptian thought. The name
of the king, ―Ka‖ is the symbol for the soul. The dead pharaoh‘s spirit
called his ―Ka‖ was believed to remain with his body and it was thought
that if the corpse did not have proper care, the former Pharaoh would
not be able to carry his Duties. The Ancient Egyptians also believed
that the ―Ka‖ was sustained through food and drink offerings. (13)
Meaning of Kakula: Sri Korada Ramakrishnayya explained the meaning of
Kakula –Ka+kulam=Black+River=Krishnaveni (14)
Ka River: The Afro Asiatic source explains Kakula as ―Ka‖ River. There
is a River named Ka (also known as Gulbin Ka River) in the northern part
of Nigeria. Originating in Zamfara State, it runs some 250 kilometers
west into Kebbi State where it joins with the Sokoto River about 100 km
south of Birnin Kebbi, shortly before joining the Niger River.
Osiris-Ka (7000 B.C): Osiris-Ka was called "The Great Black". Ka denotes
the Black color in both of the Proto afro Asiatic and Dravidian
Kulam: Database query to Dravidian etymology gave the following meanings
for the word Kulam
Proto-Dravidian: *kU - pond, vessel; to run, leak from a vessel
Proto-South Dravidian: *kU -
Proto-Telugu: *kol-
proto-Kolami-Gadba: *k
In the Online Dictionary DEDR1828 Kulam appears as river, tank or pond:
Ta: kuḷam tank, reservoir, lake
Ma: kuḷam tank
Ka: koḷa, koḷahe, koṇa pond
Tu: kuḷa tank, pond
Te: kolanu, kol ku, kol kuvu id (VPK) kollu deep pond dug or built near
the outlet of a tank, in which water is collected before supplying it to
fields; kollu guṇṭa pond into which water from irrigation wells is
bailed out.
The words ka and kulam can also be found in Afro-asiatic etymology,
Compiled by Alexander Militarev, Olga Stolbova gave the following
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *kur- Meaning: river, lake
Western Chadic: *kur- 'pond'
East Chadic: *kur-/Vy/ 'pond' 1, 'river' 2
Central Cushitic (Agaw): *kur- 'river'
Low East Cushitic: *kur- 'rivulet'
Eurasiatic: *küɫä
Borean: KVLV
Indo-European: *gʷela-
Skt:. k la- pond, pool. DED(S) 1518.
Altaic: *k li; Uralic: *kälV
Kakula Island in pacific: Just a five-minute boat ride north of Éfaté
Island in the Vanauatu Archipelago, there lies the uninhabited Kakula
Island has been called ―The Jewel of the South Pacific‖
Kakula Port in North of Java: Mohammedan Traveler Ibn Batuta of India
1347 AD was a travelling on a Chinese junk, which has just come from the
port of Kakula, north of Java and Sumatra and passed by Pangasinan on
the way to Canton, China. (Ref: Urduja - Wikipedia, the free
encyclopedia-Ibn Battuta - Research - Urduja in popular culture - ) (15)
Ka in the word Africa: Gerald Massey, in 1881, derived an etymology from
the Egyptian af-rui-ka, "to turn toward the opening of the ―Ka". is the
energetic double of every person and "opening of the Ka" refers to a
womb or birthplace. Africa would be, for the Egyptians, "the birthplace‖
(Ref: Nile Genesis: the opus of Gerald Massey) (16)
Veneration of Dead: The most original elements of the culture of
southern India have their parallel in Africa. Religious practices of the
Dravidian and the African are alike. In India, the crow is considered a
spirit of the ancestors. Crows also feature in European legends or
mythology as portents (foretoken, Augury) or harbingers (Fore Runners)
of death, because of their dark plumage, unnerving calls, and tendency
to eat carrion. They are commonly thought to circle above scenes of
death such as battles. (Ref: Crow Systematics - Crows and humans -
Evolution – Behavior; Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (17)
Telugu word Kaaki(crow)and proto Afro-Asiatic and Semitic words resemble
in phonological and morphological structures.
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: * ʷar-Meaning: crow (also 'partridge; crane'?)
Semitic: * riʔ- partridge riy- kind of bird ʷariy crane arr- chicken * a
ayr- * ʷVr- 'crow'
Berber: *- rVw-t 'raven'
Low East Cushitic: ur- 'crow' 1, 'kite' 2
High East Cushitic: ur(an-t)- 'crow':
Omotic: * ur- 'crow'
Similar Place Names:
El Kurru is the one of the place name of Napata‘s Kingdom (900-650
B.C.), Which closely resembles the name of an existent Village in
Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, Yela Kurru was the birth place of Sri
kasinadhuni Nageswara Rao, founder of Andhra Patrika. Yelakurru is few
kilometers away from Srikakulam, the first capital of Ka (Telugu)
people. Ellakaru is another place name in Nellore District, A.P. where
the evidence of Paleolithic and Neolithic occupancies and use of
black&redwsare were found. An Encyclopaedia of Indian Archeology(A.
Ghosh-paage 81) gave the details of theis Ellakaru site.
Many cemeteries in Sudan are characterized by the presence of some large
conical-shaped tombs. They are called as 'Qubba'. In Telugu, the words
Kuppa and Gubba are very nearer structures phonologically and
morphologically to Qubba, denoting the conical or elliptical shape of
the Burials. The earliest surviving example of this type of structure is
the Qubbat al-Sulaybiyya at Samarra which is octagonal.
Qubba is a cubic volume covered with a dome or vault. This roof can be
simplified into a truncated octagonal pyramid carpentry, whose corners
four tubes or pendentives; or a hemiespheric shape carved in stone,
brick or wood; or can be covered with a polygonal or star dome.
In, DEDR-1731:
Te. Kuppa -heap, pile, collection, assemblage, (MBE 1978, p. 127) heap
of dirt, dung heap; guppu to place in heaps or lots;
abundance; in heaps, abundantly;
kopparamu, kopramu increase, rise, swell;
kopparincu to increase, rise, swell; kopparinta
Te. Gubaka: knob, boss, stud; gubba id., protuberance, woman's breast;
guburu protuberance; kuppe knob.
Konḍa (BB) koparam hump of bullock.
Te. koṭika hamlet; guḍi temple; guḍise hut, cottage, hovel. guḍḍī (Ph.)
temple, (Tr.) tomb (Voc. 1113). Kui guḍi central room of house, living
In the year 1969 Dr. V.V. Krishna Sastry, was deputed by AP state
Archeology, to conduct excavations at Peddabankur in Karimnagar District
The excavations revealed two major phases of human activity. The first
phase was coeval with the Iron Age or the so-called Megalithic Period
marked by a number of elliptical or oval shaped houses and the other one
coincide with Satavahana period.
The above findings are suggestive of the affinity of ancient Egyptians
with proto Dravidians or Proto Telugu People.
The new researchers of Dravidian Etymology at National or International
level are severely handicapped by the absence of reliable Telugu
Lexicon. They even complain that they are unable to have proper material
in Telugu for research purpose because of this lacking of a Lexicon.
The available DEDR do not have so many Telugu words and meanings in it.
The researchers are compelled to move to Tamil, as the availability of
Data is plenty in it. The researchers often take Tamil as a fore most
example and that in turn pushes back the justified Legacy of Telugu, as
the fore runner of the Dravidian family. It is therefore the immediate
Historic need of all those working in Telugu Linguistics to compile a
comprehensive Telugu Lexicon. That alone would remedy the misgivings and
precisely prove that Telugu is the Most ancient Language in the
Dravidian Family.
References & Notes:
1. Dravidian languages – Wikipedia Article, the free encyclopedia
2. The origin of Sumerian- Edo Nyland- Athenaeum Library of Philosophy
Edo Nyland is doing research in the fields of Linguistic Archaeology, is
digging artefacts of Language. In his book Linguistic Archaeology: An
Introduction, he lets us take part in his adventures of recovering
stone-age and medieval history by analysis of language. The efforts of
Edo Nyland in translating ancient inscriptions have resulted in the
development of Afro Asiatic Family of Language.
3. The Dravidian Languages: Prof. Bhadriraju Krishnamurti; Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge (South Asian edition, 2003. Prof. Bhadrir ju
Kṛṣṇam rti is an eminent Dravidianist and the most respected Indian
Linguist of his generation. He was a former Vice Chancellor of the
Hyderabad Central University and was a professor of Linguistics at the
Dravidian Department of Linguistics at the Osmania University which he
founded. His magnum opus Languages is considered a landmark volume in
the study of Dravidian linguistics. He was a student and a close
associate of Murray Barnson Emeneau
4 "Dravidian Languages." Encyclopedia Britannica - Online. 5 June 2008)
5. Dravidian India - T. R. Sesha Iyengar–Asian Educational Services
2001- page 60
6. F.C. Southworth, "Proto-Dravidian Agriculture" 2006
F.C. Southworth - Professor Emeritus of South Asian Linguistics,
University of Pennsylvania. Proto-Dravidian Agriculture, is the paper
from the 7th ESCA Round Table Conference held at Kyoto in June 2005. He
is mostly attached to SARVA (South Asian Residual Vocabulary Assemblage)
Project, a research tool in the form of an online, ongoing etymological
dictionary, whose ultimate goal is to assemble all words showing early
language contact among the (known and unknown) languages of the
subcontinent, in order to provide data for the reconstruction of the
history of language contact in the region, from the time of the earliest
knowable South Asian linguistic strata, including inferences regarding
the locations of these strata in time and space.
7. Bernard Sergent (born in 1946) is a French ancient historian and
comparative mythologist. He is researcher of the CNRS and president of
the Société de mythologie française.
- African origin of the Dravidians Excerpts on the origins of the
Dravidians, from Bernard Sergent's Génèse de l'Inde translated by
Sunthar Visuvalingam.
8. The Afro-Asiatic Language Family by Meredith Holt,
9. Prof. Cheikh Anta Diop; Civilization or Barbarism. Brooklyn, N.Y)
Cheikh Anta Diop born in 29 December 1923 in Thieytou, was a historian,
anthropologist, physicist, and politician who studied the human race's
origins and pre-colonial African culture. He is regarded as an important
figure in the development of the Afrocentric viewpoint, in particular
for his controversial theory that the Ancient Egyptians were Black
Africans. Cheikh Anta Diop University, in Dakar, Senegal is named after
10. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 109:147–158 (1999)
‗Multiple Origins
of the mtDNA 9-bp Deletion‘ in Populations of South India-W.S. WATKINS
and others
11. Ancient History of Andhras-By Sri Yetukoori Balaraama Moorti -
Samkshipta Charitra-English translation: PALANA (
12. Telugu Brahmins-, Wikipedia
13. Egyptian Pharaohs: Predynastic Egyptian Journeys 2003 -
14. Ref: Krishna zilla Grama namamulu- Oka Pariseelana: Bharati, Feb.
1984, pp 72)
15. Urduja - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia-Ibn Battuta - Research -
Urduja in Popular
culture -
16. Nile Genesis: the opus of Gerald Massey'".
gerald- Retrieved 2010-05-18.
17. Crow Systematics - Crows and humans - Evolution – Behavior;
Wikipedia, the
free encyclopedia
Dr. G. V. Purnachand